Letting Your Voice Shine | A workshop recap
Are You Where You Thought You'd Be?
Five years ago I asked myself this question and what I found not only made me uncomfortable but prepared me for a journey of personal growth that I would not trade for the world.
In this video, I describe the moment of clarity I had at a desk job I didn't like and the one thing that led me to reconnect with my calling.
I also describe how asking yourself this question can help you get clear on what you want and embrace possibilities for change.
Your Call To Action
You know that voice deep down that whispers to you in your quiet moments? Sometimes you notice it while driving home after a long day at work or in the shower as you mentally prepare for the day ahead. Or perhaps you may hear this small voice call out to you in the last moments before you fall asleep at night.
As a coach, I’ve had the joy of working with passionate purpose-driven souls like yourself helping them connect with their inner callings and boldly step away from fear and into action.
As an introductory special to new coaching clients, I’d like to offer 4 one-on-one coaching sessions for just $150. The first 10 people to sign up will get this special pricing.
Click on over to read more!
Passion Project - The Miracle Question
For a moment, let's step into a world of imagination and possibility. With pen and paper, journal your answer to the below question:
Does hearing these words create a warm feeling of comfort and ease for you? Or do they remind you of that tugging feeling you have in your heart that yearns to venture. At the very least, I hope hearing these words lead you to take a closer look within yourself to see what is bursting to come out. Ask yourself…
My clients may not think too much of it but I am beside myself honored to have played a mini role in the journey of these three people: Valia Glytsis, Pamela Malo, and Andy Monroe.
They are my See Beauty… stars of the year. Valia, Pamela, and Andy don’t know each other but they all have on thing in common. They are all following their passions.
In the last year, I’ve had the opportunity to meet and work with them as their photographer. During their photo sessions, I felt a connection to each one of them mostly because I could relate to their stories of having a passion of wanting to do something great in this world and deciding to do it.
Meet Valia Glytsis...
When I met Valia, we clicked instantly. She had such a positive welcoming personality from the moment I met her. She told me during our photo session that she had just finished her training to become an executive coach and would be opening her own coaching practice. Valia has recently launched her new website showcasing the extraordinary work she does in her new coaching practice.
Meet Pamela Malo...
Now when I met Pamela at our photo session, a connection had been established right off the bat. We both believed that everyone has gifts that should be shared in the world. Pamela is sharing her beautiful gift of teaching the spiritual aspects of health and nutrition. Pamela unveiled her new website recently where you can learn all about the services she offers through health coaching.
and Andy Monroe.
And Andy was so inspiring to me both as a client and just as a person. During our photo shoot together he told me all about his love for music as a singer and songwriter. Experiencing life as an artist and putting your creations out into the world he feels is a journey that is well worth pursuing. Andy made me so overjoyed when he shared his new website beaming with all of the photos we did during our shoot.
Andy, Pamela, and Valia have played huge roles in my career as a photographer. Their photos capture the essence of their true spirit and warmly put a face to their work. For that I am truly grateful and honored to have played a small role in bringing their vision to life. They have inspired my work and have made me a better person just from having connected with them. I wish them a world of success and continued happiness in their careers. Cheers to living out your dreams…
See Beauty…
The mind has amazing potential, especially when pursuing creative aspirations. All it takes is a vision of what your greatest masterpiece would look like if brought to life and the willingness to take a chance. But fragile as the mind can be, it is susceptible to penetrating thoughts of failure and self-criticism that questions whether or not we are good enough. To experience freedom of mind comes from an inner strength and conviction to honor your impulses of creative self-expression. When you can release the grips of fears, doubts and insecure toxic thoughts, even in small increments, your mind reverses it’s perceived limitations. Freedom of mind is the experience of knowing and feeling that nothing is impossible anymore.
Imagine for a moment watching yourself simply walking down the street. Your shoulders are raised just below your ears, your back is hunched over and your eyes are fixed to the ground in front of you. Maybe you’ve had a bad day or maybe this is just the norm for you. In either case, your energy is low and the world around you feels it. Body language is a powerful thing and can be the difference between how you want to be treated and how people actually treat you. But now imagine yourself walking down that same street on a completely different level. No matter what is going on in your life right now you are choosing to feel safe and comforted in the moment. Your eyes become brighter, shoulders start to relax and your lips curl up to a smile. These small changes automatically create a profound shift in your environment just by the positive energy you are giving off. To free your body from tightness and resistance shows the world that you are unblocked and free to receive all that you desire. Your heart becomes open and the world responds with graceful light.
Simply put, your heart is like a child; it is our creative spirit that yearns to come out and play in the world. Continuously shielding it from hurt or vulnerability dampens our potential to grow into something great. When we scold our hearts for not being sensible or nagging us to go on a much needed nature walk, we become afraid and inhibited. To free your heart and get out from behind those self-imposed prison bars is to give it permission to do more than just beat for you. Your heart will show you a different view of the world and let you see what it feels like to truly be alive. When your heart is free, it is no longer afraid to do the things it was built to do. Speak up for what's right, dance in the rain, wear mismatched socks, and enter a photograph in a competition because hey, you just might win.
See Beauty...
Last week I watched Oprah Winfrey being interviewed on Facebook Live. The video was nothing short of inspirational. But when we’re talking about Oprah, everything she says and does always inspires in some way or another and in this case, even challenges you.
During the early part of the interview, Oprah shared her thoughts about ending her show and deciding the next step in her life. What led to her decision was a very challenging one. She asked herself “If I weren’t afraid, what would I do”? Oprah knew by asking herself that question what her new direction would be. She joked about all the things she could’ve done like yachting, gardening, and all that fun stuff. But none of those things made her clutch her heart in fear from the very thought of it. The answer to her question, what would she do if she weren’t afraid, was to build her own television network. She would continue doing what she loves; to share and inspire people to live their best life.
I dared to ask myself that same question; “if I weren’t afraid, what would I do?” Are you ready for the answer? I’m not even sure if I’m ready, but here goes.
Actually the first answer that popped into my head when I asked myself this question is relocating. I’ve entertained the thought of moving to somewhere like California several times before. I’ve even thought of living abroad for a while. As someone who has lived in New York all of her life, the idea of moving somewhere completely different is so thrilling to me. It is also incredibly scary.
I met a stranger one day on the subway and we had a very long conversation about living a passionate life and doing the things that bring you purpose and fulfillment. I shard with him my desire to one day move out of NYC to which he replied, “just do it”. Easier said then done I’m sure, but hmmm, maybe not. Suppose I thought for just a moment how easy it would be to make the decision to move and work towards making it happen? That’s how dreams become reality, right? A thought becomes an idea, an idea becomes a dream, and a dream could either stay a dream or come true.
Perhaps this is what happened to Oprah when she had the thought to start her own television show or create OWN. Who would she be had she not decided to turn that thought into reality despite the fear? She wouldn’t be who she is today; Oprah Winfrey. And we wouldn’t be who we are or who we were meant to be if we decided not follow our dreams because of fear.
So now I turn the question to you; If you weren’t afraid, what would you do?
Marry the love of your life, go skydiving, quit your day job to travel the world, ???. The possibilities are endless.
See Beauty…
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Project She Went For Her Dreams | © 2019 All Rights Reserved.
All images used courtesy of Founder of SWFHD, Ariane Hunter.
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