How To Find and Work With the Right Mentor

Why is it so hard to initiate a mentoring relationship?

Sometimes knowing the right person and having access to people who can mentor you can be difficult to find. Sometimes initiating the conversation can be awkward; it can be intimidating to make yourself vulnerable to someone further along than you. And sometimes we just don’t know where to start.

Thanks to technology, mentoring comes in many forms. We can find mentorship through social media by following our favorite Youtube person or stalking, I mean researching people who we admire and inspire us. Then we have mentoring relationships that involve actually sitting down with someone on a consistent basis through personalized conversations and working towards real, tangible goals. Today, we’re discussing how to build a relationship with a mentor your trust.

Finding a mentor takes time and intention to make sure you are picking the right one. Here are the ways I recommend to align with the best one:

  1. The best places to look for mentors are: within your company’s leadership chain, local chamber of commerce and through networking events, workshops or conferences. Get into the practice of introducing yourself to speakers at events.

  2. Follow up via email or LinkedIn. This lets the person know you are serious about continuing the conversation.

  3. Share your goals and exactly what you’re working on. This helps the person know how they can help you.

  4. Do your research about the mentor. Know their background and how it fits into your goals. Reflect what you’ve learned back to them. This helps them know you are paying attention and have done your HW.

  5. Email to initiate a conversation about mentoring. Ask to meet them in person by treating them to lunch or coffee. If meeting in person is not possible, speak by phone or video.

Below is the email I used to initiate the conversation with my mentor:

[...] I am inspired by your work, the story of building your empire, and philanthropic pursuits.

I want to explore a conversation with you around mentorship. I think of you as someone who embodies powerful leadership and business acumen. I am sure there is much I can learn from you. If there is an opportunity to be your mentee and learn from you, I wholeheartedly welcome the conversation. I understand your busy as well so no worries if now is not the right time.

Please do let me know your thoughts I look forward to hearing from you. All the best, - Ariane

This email effectively help me connect and work with the woman whom I so eagerly wanted to learn from and helped me learn how to be a better business woman and build more confidence.

Looking for a mentor doesn’t have to be hard, but it does require commitment. The mentoring relationship is a very rewarding one. Through it you gain not only confidence and direction in your career but sometimes true friendship with someone who is invested in your success.

The Mentor Circle was created for you to succeed. Designed for women of color who want to learn from each other. The way towards success, is if we rise up together.

Applications are open, enroll to The Mentors Circle today!

The thing about going for your dreams

The thing about going for your dreams

I am in the business of building dreams.

When I am asked the infamous question: “So, what do you do?”, I answer: I help women follow their dreams. I am usually met with two expressions in response to my answer. They either tilt their head to the side in pseudo-adoration and smile as if to say “Oh, that’s sweet. Bless your heart” Or they look at me quizzically as if the word ‘dream’ has been vacant from their vocabulary for a long time. Either way, it’s an invitation to meaningful discussion.

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Should I Get My MBA? 3 mindful questions to ask yourself before taking the plunge

Should I Get My MBA? 3 mindful questions to ask yourself before taking the plunge

I often get asked by women who are considering a career transition whether or not they should get their MBA. It’s a fair question especially when you have high ambitions set for your career. According to figures from the US Department of Education, the MBA has become the most popular grad degree in the US compared to other advanced degrees.

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Why changing jobs is a bad idea.

Why changing jobs is a bad idea.

For the early part of my career, I job hopped. From the time I graduated college in 2003 to the year I took the leap and became self employed in 2010, I worked a total of 4 jobs. Two years seemed to be the magic number of years that I could stay in any job. Once the 2nd year creeped up, I got that familiar itch to explore what else was out there for me. Some would say this is par for the course for people of my generation. Research shows that millenials tend to stay in a job for less than three years compared to 4.4 years of the average worker. While it’s said that job hopping allows us to cultivate different experiences and learn new skills along the way, what I find is that, no matter what generation you belong to, underneath it all, what we’re really looking for is happiness and fulfillment within our careers.  It’s like soul searching for our career.

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